Private Limited Company
The Republic of Malta (Malta) is a European country situated in the Mediterranean Sea some 60 miles south of Italy, 180 miles north of Africa and midway between Israel and Gibraltar. It has a population of approximately 452,000 people. The local legal system is based on Italian Civil Law and English Common Law and the official languages are Maltese and English.
- Minimum of one Director, two Members (Shareholders) and one Company Secretary
- Directors and Members of non-exempt companies may be individuals or corporate entities
- Single-member LLCs are permitted if the company qualifies as a private exempt company i.e.:
– No more than 50 people hold debentures of the company, and
– No corporate entities hold any shares or debentures, and
– There are no corporate Directors - The minimum authorised share capital of 1,165€ must be fully issued
- The public record of Directors and Shareholders
- Company names must end in “Limited” or “Ltd”
- Requirement to file annual audited accounts
- Requirement to file an annual return
- Standard corporation tax rate of 35%
- Effective corporation tax rate may be reduced to:
– 5% where shareholders receive dividends from passive interest or royalties
– 6.25% where double tax treaties apply
– 10% where shareholders receive dividends from passive interest or royalties - Standard VAT rate of 18%
- Confidentiality of Beneficial Owner details
- Quick incorporation procedure
- Attractive tax regime
- Politically and economically stable nation
- Member of the European Union
- It normally takes approximately 2 days to incorporate a Maltese Ltd and a further 10 days to provide you with all company papers Interested or want to know more about this structure?