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Malta – £1950

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Year two fees £900 (we will send you a reminder when due) plus £75 compliance fee.
The Republic of Malta (Malta) is a European country situated in the Mediterranean Sea some 60 miles south of Italy, 180 miles north of Africa and midway between Israel and Gibraltar. It has a population of approximately 452,000 people. The local legal system is based on Italian Civil Law and English Common Law and the official languages are Maltese and English.



Private Limited Company
The Republic of Malta (Malta) is a European country situated in the Mediterranean Sea some 60 miles south of Italy, 180 miles north of Africa and midway between Israel and Gibraltar. It has a population of approximately 452,000 people. The local legal system is based on Italian Civil Law and English Common Law and the official languages are Maltese and English.



  • Minimum of one Director, two Members (Shareholders) and one Company Secretary
  • Directors and Members of non-exempt companies may be individuals or corporate entities
  • Single-member LLCs are permitted if the company qualifies as a private exempt company i.e.:
    – No more than 50 people hold debentures of the company, and
    – No corporate entities hold any shares or debentures, and
    – There are no corporate Directors
  • The minimum authorised share capital of 1,165€ must be fully issued
  • The public record of Directors and Shareholders
  • Company names must end in “Limited” or “Ltd”



  • Requirement to file annual audited accounts
  • Requirement to file an annual return
  • Standard corporation tax rate of 35%
  • Effective corporation tax rate may be reduced to:
    – 5% where shareholders receive dividends from passive interest or royalties
    – 6.25% where double tax treaties apply
    – 10% where shareholders receive dividends from passive interest or royalties
  • Standard VAT rate of 18%



  • Confidentiality of Beneficial Owner details
  • Quick incorporation procedure
  • Attractive tax regime
  • Politically and economically stable nation
  • Member of the European Union



  • It normally takes approximately 2 days to incorporate a Maltese Ltd and a further 10 days to provide you with all company papers Interested or want to know more about this structure?